Shmayaa invites you to Mesopotamia...

Midyat “The meeting point of RELIGIONS and LANGUAGES”


Shmayaa Boutique Hotel

Shmayaa Hotel, is a magnificent mansion, which has been dwelling at the Assyrian district for 1600 years, located in Midyat, the most prominent ancient city of Mesopotamia where different religions and cultures meet. It has been built by the Assyrian Hırmız Family from Mosul who paid a gold coin for each stone embroidered with ornaments.

This mansion, which has been an authentic witness of a long history, is used as a military headquarters between 1915 and 1930.

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Shmayaa Boutique Hotel
Midyat Hakkında

About Midyat

"The meeting point of religions and languages", Midyat; BC IX. century it is defined as Matiat on the Assyrian tablets. Matiate is an Aramaic / Syriac name and means "My village", "homeland". The first written information about MİDYAT dates back to 13th century BC. It was seen as a region that could be seized and plundered for the Assyrian kings. Due to Midyat takes place on Upper Mesopotamia, the world's oldest residential area, throughout history it has been remained under the sovereignty of many civilizations such as the Sumerians, Assyrians, Urartu, Macedonians, Persians and Romans.

More About MİDYAT

Featured Rooms

Gılgamış Suite

Gılgamış Suite (King Suite)

All of our rooms carry the best examples of Midyat stone workmanship, which keeps the history coming from the past.


Şahmeran Suite

Şahmaran Suite (Honeymoon Suite)

Lilit Suite

Lilit Suite (Honeymoon Suite)

Shmayaa invites you to Mesopotamia...

Midyat “The meeting point of RELIGIONS and LANGUAGES”